Abstract: Destiny is a brawler with light RPG elements. It's the latest from Silicon Knights, whose last game was the divisive Too Human. The game puts you in the shoes of a new mutant--a teenager that hits mutant puberty just as the game begins. The destiny-pa...
Abstract: When's the last time you played a superhero game you really enjoyed? DC Universe Online? City of Heroes? Was it X-Men Origins: Wolverine, which came out over two years ago? Batman: Arkham Asylum? Or even earlier than that? There is no shortage of ga...
Abstract: Kanadalainen Silicon Knights -firma on kulkenut melko mielenkiintoisen tien. Muun muassa mainiolla Dark Legionilla uransa aloittanut firma on historiansa aikana saanut aikaiseksi mm. yhden kaikkien aikojen parhaista kauhupeleistä, Eternal Darkness: San...