Abstract: Boasting a bright 3.5" touchscreen LCD, easy to use software and Bluetooth capabilities, the TomTom GO 300 is one of the most impressive GPS units we have seen so far.Weighing 310g and being quite bulky, the GO 300 is designed for in-car use and cant ...
Abstract: The Tom Tom Go 300 Satellite Navigation device offers 3d maps, voice instruction and full Post-Code look-up within the UK. It sits between Tomtoms Go 500, which adds Bluetooth hands-free calling, and the Tomtom One, which comes in a slimmer case. Is t...
Abstract: This past week I have been traveling with a few good friends on a Blues Road Trip down south and brought the TomTom GO 300 GPS system along for the ride. The unit came with a suction cup arm to connect it to the windshield in front of the driver (and t...
Abstract: Over the last week or so, we have been using the TomTom GO 300to navigate around Boston and the bottom line is that we really like it a lot for its good looking design and its sound navigation as well as having a certain personality for being happy-g...
Antiglare touch screen; 1GB SD card; very portable, and practical even for pedestrian use.
Would like to see text-to-speech technology integrated into vocalized directions.
With a new antiglare touch screen, preloaded maps for the entire U.S., and an itinerary-planning menu, the TomTom GO 300 is one of the best midrange products on the market....
Abstract: TomTom Go 300 ReviewAvailable now the first of the New TomTom navigation systems hits the UK and the latest version 5.0 software contains some new features, updated maps and nice tweaks.
Abstract: Zwar muss sich ein Kollege hier im Haus auf Grund der verblüffenden Namensähnlichkeit mit den TomTom-Geräten regelmäßig dumme Sprüche gefallen lassen, schämen braucht er sich deswegen aber ganz sicher nicht. Was mobile Navigation angeht, hat TomTom ei...
schnelle Routenberechnung, präzise arbeitender Empfänger, Kartendaten auf SD-Karte
zeitweilig langsamer Satellitenzugang, Bildschirmqualität könnte besser sein
Der Tomtom GO 300 bietet blitzschnelle Routenberechnungen, anschauliche Karten und kurze, prägnante Fahranweisungen. Einziges Manko: Helles Sonnenlicht erschwert das Ablesen des Bildschirms....
Abstract: Le système de navigation GPS autonome de TomTom subit un léger lifting, un an après sa sortie initiale. Désormais décliné en trois versions, l’entrée de gamme GO 300 apporte quelques nouveautés en terme de fonctionnalités, mais cette versio...
In conclusione, non c’è molto che si può dire su questo navigatore che non sia già stato detto per altri modelli Tom Tom Go. Si tratta di un dispositivo molto utile per calcolare e pianificare i propri itinerari in maniera perfetta, senza perdere una ...