Abstract: Contact Info:Palm, Inc www.Palm.com PalmInfoCenter.com Bottom Line:The Price: $450 The Pros: Really small and portable Can use SD and MMC expansion cards HotSync with USB Decent battery life The Cons: Screen dark and muddy without sidelight Leather fli...
Abstract: You’ll have the blues on the new m505 Palm personal digital assistant, and the reds, too. Its thin-film-transistor display can show up to 65,000 colors. Palm Inc. claims the m505 has higher-quality images than the 8-bit-color Palm IIIc, but I didn&r...
Abstract: Product Requirements:Desktop:Windows 98, ME or 2000; USB port (Win 95, NT can use serial cradle: sold separately)Macintosh Power PC; OS 8.5.1 thru OS 9, USB port, CDrom