Abstract: The problem with writing about Bluetooth headsets is that they are very much dependent on your individual tastes as to just what exactly constitutes stylish - one persons style can be another persons fashion faux pas. To us, the Jabra BT500 is a ni...
In our view, BТ500 is not worthy of replacing BТ250. The latter was really perfect for its time, while the one we’re reviewing is a little old-fashioned, hardly changing a thing as far as functionality goes. Its main shortcoming is the lack of DSP, whi...
The Jabra BT500 Bluetooth Headset provides a comfortable fit with reasonable access to features. Probably the best things about this model are its thin design (0.6 inches) and its snug fit. The headset is very lightweight, and ear gels of various size...
Lightweight and Comfortable, Vibrating Alert, Solid Sound Quality, USB Charger
Pric, Minimal accessories, No carry case
The only barrier here is price. At 84.95 this is one expensive headset. After struggling with many mediocre headsets, perhaps the premium is worth it since this is something you’ll use every day. After all, miscommunication can cost real money. You...
Abstract: Jabra BT500 Review Ive been using the Jabra BT500 now as my main BT headset for a good 3 weeks. This is a retail packaged Jabra BT500 and is the replacement to the extremely popular Jabra BT200/BT250/BT250v series. Is it better then the series it repl...
Comfortable, stable fit. Easy Bluetooth pairing. Very accessible volume buttons.
Design screams "Im wearing a Bluetooth headset."
If comfort is a priority or you plan on wearing your Bluetooth headset for long periods of time or while moving around a lot, the Jabra BT500 is a solid choice.
Abstract: There are three things you want from a wireless headset: You want it to have great reception, be comfortable to wear, and be unobtrusive. This last point in particular seems to elude most makers of Bluetooth headsets, whose devices often offer all the ...
Abstract: Though no one can deny that the Jabra BT500 is big, after testing this interesting looking headset we came out quite pleased with the overall package. Read the full review here.