Great value for money, Easy to grasp rules, Engaging gameplay, Can be played both short and long term, Stunning artwork and designs
Costly entry point,
In my opinion, HeroQuest is the quintessential game for those that are new to the dungeon crawler experience. Veteran gamemasters can also use HeroQuest as a gateway to get their friends into other tabletop roleplaying games. Fans of titles like Decent: J...
Abstract: Abt. Legendenpflege Seid gegrüßt, Ihr Descent- Doom - Das Brettspiel- und Last Night on Earth-Jünger, liebe Fantasy Flight Games-, Pegasus- und Flying Frog-Stammkunden. Senket Euer Haupt in Demut und vernehmet nun, wie einst im Jahre 1989 alles begann:...