There are still much to tell here (the handy book that tells you every little thing that you encounter, a few mini games, outpost raids to make an area safer and for fast-traveling, and more) but I have so much fun playing Far Cry 3.There are tons of t...
Abstract: I have rarely done such an extensive review for a game. This is not by design but by happy happenstance. I played through Farcry (lame until modded) and Farcry 2 (quiet except for uber-quick-respawns) before tackling the latest entry. I played Farcry 3...
Great open-world exploration, Amazing graphics, Excellent sound effects, Vaas, the insane pirate, steals the show
The Manual / Survivor Guide. Seriously, Plot is boring, contrived, uninteresting, Some graphical bugs need fixing
There are enough issues and immersion-breaking flaws in FC3 that I decided to wrap them into their own section.The Map:In real life, a map is something you draw to help you find things. In Far Cry 3, as you escape from Vaas' slave camp, you find a paper m...