Frenetic, fast-paced action, Plenty of secret weapons and moves to be unlocked
Graphical glitches means enemies mysteriously pop in and out all too often, Can be repetitive, One player only, Allies AI spotty
At its core, Devil Kings presents an exciting gameplay experience, but it fails to live up to the standards set by the admittedly more established Dynasty Warriors series. Still, its refreshing to see a different take on the genre. ...
Abstract: Devil Kings is a repetitious affair that is better suited for the arcades of the world rather than home systems. There's some good solid action but it's all relegated to the shallow end of the pool. Devil Kings is heavy on the action and if that's all you...
Abstract: It’s been a long time since I played a Dynasty Warriors game. I thought the game offered a fun and thrilling hack-n-slash experience but I didn’t blink an eye when sequel after sequel was released. I was just surprised that Koei had develope...
Abstract: Published March 14th 2006. Written by Thomas McDermott. Have you played Dynasty Warriors lately? Well if you have not it seems Capcom have and I think they liked it. They liked it so much that they made a game in homage to it which contains all the bes...
Abstract: Från skaparna av Resident Evil och Devil May Cry kommer ett minst sagt intensivt krigsspel. Tempot är högt och offren som faller för ditt vapen är många, ibland över tusen stycken per spelomgång. Devil Kings lever verkligen upp till begreppet hack...
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Published: 2006-02-08, Author: Gustav , review by:
Abstract: Om vi ska tro Capcom så är krig verkligen inget helvete. Du, som en av tolv valfria stridsbegåvade generaler, slår dig genom kanonmat i form av soldater. Dessa rusar utan att tänka sig för rakt emot dig. Devil Kings är i...