Abstract: Dark Souls Namco Bandai's spiritual sequel to Demon's Souls arrives on the XBox 360 and PS3 with Dark Souls, that furthers the hardcore nature of the RPG genre. This action based RPG transforms the player into one of the walking dead as you are given a...
Rewarding combat system, Intriguing dark atmosphere, Memorable foes
Rudimentary camera controls, Repetitive, Some console port-based issues
With a scary atmosphere and scarier difficulty, Dark Souls was a favorite PlayStation game in 2011. Despite some issues with this year's PC port, the added extra content makes it the best edition of the game on the market....
Dark Souls keeps true to the legacy of its predecessor by remaining an atmospheric, tough gaming experience while adding in new elements and content, and while it’s not without its missteps, it’s easily a worthwhile investment for the gamer who wants ...
Dark Souls isn’t a game you can wholeheartedly recommend to everyone. I’ve talked with people who have said they get frustrated when they die and respawn back at the beginning of the world in Super Mario Galaxy – Dark Souls is not for them. But for tho...
Abstract: Be prepared to die - repeatedly. From Software has created a strange kind of hell in Dark Souls. Building on the rock-hard foundations that they laid with the amazingly successful Demon's Souls the practiced Japanese developer has created another impre...
Abstract: After ten years of writing about games professionally and three decades playing them just for fun, I don't get intimidated easily. But all that changed with Dark Souls. Having not played Demon's Soul, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Al...
Abstract: Xbox 360"Prepare to Die", "Prepare to Die Again" and "Prepare to have the next few weeks of your life consumed with thoughts of Not Dying". Dark Souls' motto is a bold statement which epitomises the essence of the game. Yes you die often and in punishi...
Abstract: Dark Souls is an Action-RPG that has players assuming the roles of several classes. With no quests to worry about, the only thing on your mind is regaining your soul and restoring your humanity. The game drops you in the middle of a monster-infested w...
Abstract: There comes a time in every gamer’s life when they come across a title that is so demanding or addictive that they find themselves hopelessly hooked or on the verge of breaking their controller against whatever happens to be in the vicinity of their fa...
Abstract: It's been twenty minutes since I last died; a lifetime in the world of Dark Souls. In that time, I've defeated a horde of ghoul-like warriors, survived several traps, and killed a boss which resembled a Minotaur. I have 5000-odd souls to my name to pro...