Abstract: While a slew of reviews of the Xbox 360-only game Alan Wake popped up on websites last night - the official embargo ended at 5pm yesterday - I thought I'd give you my "review of sorts" on what I've played of the game so far, which isn't released unti...
A beautifully crafted world, stunningly presented. A cast of believable characters wrapped up in a narrative that's paced as reliably as a metronome. A fine balance of suspense and action.
Some disappointing set pieces. Wake's flamboyant literary agent, Barry, occasionally goes to great lengths to remind you that he's a caricature sidekick.
Abstract: Stephen King once wrote, ‘Nightmares exist outside of logic, and there’s little fun to be had in explanations; they’re antithetical to the poetry of fear’. Finnish studio Remedy have taken this to heart; there are certainly a lot of illogical nightmare...
Abstract: ALAN WAKE's arrived on PC finally, amidst howls of outrage and fist-shaking at both Remedy and Microsoft. Originally a broken promise, since the game was meant to be on both Xbox 360 and PC, Remedy has made amends by sprinkling petals of beauty to their o...
Abstract: Alan Wake has been one of the most an cipated Xbox 360 titles since it was first announced at E3 way back in 2005. It’s now here, delivering an intriguing plot, drama c visuals and an immersive atmosphere, yielding more to the cerebral than skiet, skop...
Abstract: Raise your hand if you’ve heard this one before. A writer suffering from writer’s block heads over to idyllic yet creepy town with beautiful wife to refill his creative juices. His wife suddenly disappears while his writings come to life. Writer scratc...
The Limited Edition of the Alan Wake Xbox 360 game Alan Wake is the horror action-game that wants to be a big-time television series. In fact, it’s even structured in terms of episodes instead of the customary gaming protocol, stages. That’s right, yo...
Sehr schöne Grafik, Tolle Story, Dichte Atmosphäre, Monster müssen geblendet werden, bevor man sie killt, Episodenformat,
Kein Multiplayermodus
Alan Wake ist ein kleines Meisterwerk, denn die dichte Atmosphäre und die Schockmomente können auf ganzer Linie überzeugen. Die Story ist einfach genial und man spielt ständig unter leichter Anspannung, einfach um noch mehr zu erleben und voranzukomm...
schaurigverrückte Atmosphäre, abgefahrene Levelarchitektur …, tolle Synchronsprecher, gelungener Soundtrack, brillant inszenierter Endkampf, stimmiges Ende bereitet den zweiten Teil vor
immer noch sehr kampflastig, … die an einigen Stellen verwirrt, teilweise etwas schwer, kein runder Abschluss der Geschichte, zu wenig Interaktion mit anderen Charakteren