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DVD/HDD Recorders Buyer’s Guide

DVD/HDD recorders are the successors to VHS recorders, allowing you to record television programs directly onto a DVD disk or an internal hard drive. Most standard DVD recorders can store up to two hours of programming, while recorders with a HDD function offer larger storage capacity.

This expert guide aims to explain the different types of DVD/HDD recorders; important features to take into consideration when reviewing DVD/HDD recorders, as well as provide guidance on the types available within the various budget ranges.

    Guide: Find the best products in "HDD/DVD-recorders" Showing products 1-10 of 874  

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Sony RDR-GXD310

Last published: 2005-12-01
1 Reviews

Sony RDR-HXD970

Last published: 2007-08-27
2 Reviews

TechniSat DigiCorder HD S2 Plus

Last published: 2010-02-23
2 Reviews

Pioneer DVR-433H

Last published: 2005-08-01
2 Reviews

SetOne TX-9900 TWIN HD

Last published: 2010-02-23
2 Reviews

Pioneer DVR-640H

Last published: 2006-11-07
1 Reviews

Humax IRHD-5300C

Last published: 2013-08-07
1 Reviews

Panasonic DMR-XS350A

Last published: 2009-08-06
1 Reviews

Pace +Le Cube

Last published: 2009-05-27
1 Reviews

Zappiti ZAP010 Duo

Last published: 2019-01-17
1 Reviews

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