Abstract: Charlie Blackmore, tiniest of the Russian nesting-doll Blackmore family, is tasked with saving his brother Albert and other siblings from a life of grime. An over-long introduction sets the scene, portrayed in the whimsical style of a turn-of-the...
Abstract: Charlie Blackmore, tiniest of the Russian nesting-doll Blackmore family, is tasked with saving his brother Albert and other siblings from a life of grime. An over-long introduction sets the scene, portrayed in the whimsical style of a turn-of-the...
Abstract: Upon first hearing the premise of a game that tasked players to play and take over Russian matryoshka dolls, I was both confused and intrigued. Leave it up to the creative minds over at Double Fine Productions to think of something so outrageously uni...
Abstract: Video game celebri-designer Tim Schafer and his development company Double Fine are both known for putting creativity first. They're also known for overdue projects and problems with publisher relations. Lately though, they've both taken a new appro...
Abstract: Stacking is a charming adventure game about Russian babushka Dolls. You play as Charlie Blackmore, the smallest doll in the Blackmore family. Unfortunately Charlie’s siblings and parents have been taken by an evil Baron doll. As the smallest type of do...
Stacking is one of the best puzzle games I’ve ever played. It’s the only game I can think of that pits Matryoshka against the backdrop of the industrial revolution where you have to stop the practice of child labour in order to save your family from ev...
Abstract: While I was a pretty big fan of Double Fine's last digital entry, Costume Quest (our review here), I've got to say that I'm a little less than thrilled with its newest piece of download only gaming, Stacking. The biggest reason is that I feel the humor...
Stacking is an essential purchase that will leave a smile on your face for days to come. It needed a little more content and variety, sure, but we'll tell you one thing - we're definitely looking forward to what Double Fine has for us next.TOP GAME MOMENT...
Beautiful world with a charming, handcrafted feel, Dozens of dolls to stack into with fun abilities to use, Satisfying puzzles with numerous solutions, Hijinks encourage experimenting with dolls' abilities.
Story can be completed quickly and easily, Minor camera issues and visual blemishes.
An enchanting world seamlessly combines with fun gameplay and rewarding puzzles to make Stacking a magical adventure....
Stacking is chock full of charm, humor, and fun puzzles. Though some of the solutions are really easy, if you avoid the hint system it’ll take some time to decipher some of the harder ones. If all you want to do is run through the story without trying ...