It’s a testament to Valve’s ability to craft such an inspiring sequel out of a game that was, more or less, a very polished tech demo. There are few who would argue against them being the premier developer for the PC market, but with the release of Por...
Abstract: Portal 2 is a joy to play. There is no other way to describe it. The original game was an interesting concept that Valve worked wonders with and the idea of them turning the sequel into a full game quickly became a mouthwatering prospect....
Abstract: What are the odds of an FPS becoming the 2011 Game of the Year? Now what are those odds if that game is rated E10+ and you never fire a single bullet or kill a single alien or living person? And what if that game were “educational”, teaching core value...
Abstract: I'll just get it out of the way now. I don't think this review or myself as a reviewer can coherently explain what it is that makes Portal 2 a great game or even do it justice with my terrible writing (or even in the manner of conversation). But I'm gi...
Abstract: Creating Portal 2 must have been an incredibly daunting task. The first Portal took the world by storm, winning the hearts of millions of gamers and creating one of the most-quoted internet memes in recent memory. ("The cake is a lie.") Valve had some ...
Abstract: However, Portal went on to become Valve’s biggest cultural hit, no small thanks to the unique gameplay. Players controlled the almost unseen test subject Chell through orange and blue portals placed upon designated surfaces with a portal gun. These p...
Immensely clever writing, Portal mechanics combine with new elements for delightful puzzles, Cooperative campaign creates intriguing situations, New characters are hugely entertaining.
Frequent load times, No challenge maps or leaderboards to inspire competitive play.
Portal 2 is an accessible, clever, and downright hilarious adventure into the eccentric world of Aperture Science. ...
Abstract: Never before has a review embargo had us screaming inside so badly that our mind eventually goes hoarse. We've wanted to shout from the rooftops about how Portal 2 not only betters the original Portal, but completely annihilates it. Portal, once a Valv...