No web support The Final Word Stylish, small and simple to use - theres nothing wrong with the Z22. And theres plenty to like about that price, too. If you want a PDA, youll struggle to match these levels of quality and value.
Stylish, small and simple to use - theres nothing wrong with the Z22. And theres plenty to like about that price, too. If you want a PDA, youll struggle to match these levels of quality and value.
Abstract: Palm Z22 Review by: Tam HannaOctober 10, 2006 Over the last few years, Palm has pushed the prices for organizers down. The original Palm Zire was the first organizer from a major brand that hit the sub ? $100 price point, its successor the Palm Zire 21...
In the recent past, $99 wouldnt have gotten you much in the PDA world. While it still wont finance a full-feature PDA, $99 can bring home Palms new Z22, a color-screen organizer that can store photos and keep your days well planned. The Z22 is stur...
Abstract: Last month, I wrote about the benefits of smartphones compared to PDAs (personal digital assistants). While smartphones offer plenty of benefits, they cost more; also, data plans, which you need to take full advantage of a smartphone, are expensive. As...
It has its faults, but nit picking aside if you analyse the Z22 from the point of view of a newcomer to PDA-land, who wants a simple electronic organiser, then the device stacks up fairly well, both in terms of costs and features....
Abstract: Palms newest entry level PDA is the Z22. Coming in below the sweet spot of $100, this PDA gives you all of the basic PIM (Personal Information Management) features that weve come to expect in a personal digital assistant, while leaving the power user...
Abstract: Posted by Brain-in-a-JarI remember the first time I saw the Apple Newton. It was sitting in a case at my local department store. I remember being amazed by the cute little icons, the portability and handwriting recognition (it may not have gotten the w...
Abstract: Welcome to the first sub $100 PDA with a color screen. Need a small device that can replace your alarm clock, keep phone numbers handy, track to-dos for you, show family photos and work as a digital ink pad that will never run out? Never used a PDA b...