Whether it will tempt anyone away from the slew of larger sensored compact system cameras currently on the market seems questionable. While it does produce good images, those looking for something a little more advanced will probably be more at home with...
Like with the Nikon 1 V1, we struggle to define just who the Nikon 1 V2 is for. It offers a few advantages over the V1, like increased resolution from 10MP to 14MP, increased clarity in its images, a built-in flash, an improved grip and better manual hand...
The V2 is not a bad camera, in fact it offers quite a few features unique to the Nikon 1 mirrorless series. Its auto-focus is, in our opinion, the best among mirrorless cameras today. Not only is it fast and accurate, but it's able to keep up with moving...
Fast, dependable autofocus, Quick multiple framerates for action, Improved grip and handling over V1, Increased image detail over V1
Image noise seen from low ISO settings, Autofocus hesitant in lowlight, Camera blacks out after shooting bursts, Confusing Function digital menu
Like with the Nikon 1 V1, we struggle to define just who the Nikon 1 V2 is for. It offers a few advantages over the V1, like increased resolution from 10MP to 14MP, increased clarity in its images, a built-in flash, an improved grip and better manual hand...
Abstract: Unsere Kamera-Tests bieten zwar Orientierung bei der Auswahl der richtigen Kamera. Doch am Ende entscheidet der User selbst, welches Modell es für ihn sein soll. Welche Digicams derzeit besonders hoch im Kurs unserer Leser stehen, zeigt der CHIP Preisverg...
Abstract: Die beste DSLR bis 500 Euro ist schnell gefunden. Wir zeigen Ihnen, welche günstige Spiegelreflexkamera im Test und Vergleich am besten abschneidet...
Abstract: Die DSLM-Kamera bietet sich als ernsthaften Alternative zur DSLR an. Die DSLM, auch spiegellose Systemkamera genannt, kombiniert die überzeugende Bildqualität der DSLR...