Given that, I think it's fair to say that Mario Kart 7 fulfils the majority of its objectives and remains the best kart racer on the market today, even if it doesn't go quite as far as I would like in exploiting its new features. As Sega, Nicktoons, an...
Abstract: The Mario Kart series, now more than nineteen years old, is in its seventh iteration. That might sound like the kind of observation that only comes from detailed research, but it's right there in the title. Mario Kart 7 - you see?Anyway, if you like Ma...
Abstract: If you've never played a variant of Mario Kart you probably A) hate video games, or B) have been living under a rock for the last, oh, 19 years or so. The first in the series was released in August of 1992, which means if Mario Kart were a person, they...
Abstract: The seventh incarnation of Mario Kart is further evidence of Nintendo’s uncanny ability to design entertainment that appeals to everyone. Its fanciful racetracks and colourful characters combine with intuitive controls to create a gaming experience tha...
Abstract: It's easy to say that if you've played one Mario Kart, you've played them all. Though some iterations of the game have been a little more daring than others, for the most part that's true. Mario Kart is the the same as it ever was; 3 tight laps around a c...
Witziger Funracer, Sehr unterhaltsamer Multiplayer, Abwechslungsreiche Strecken und Karts, Guter Onlinemodus, Gute Technik
Wenig wirklich Neues, Wenig EinzelspielerInhalt
Ja! „Mario Kart 7“ macht auch dieses mal wieder Spaß. Vor allem Multiplayergefechte lokal und über das Internet gegen Freunde machen Freude. Leider ist der Titel aber nicht ganz perfekt. Für Einzelspieler gibt es nur wenige Spielstunden und auch die w...
Mario Kart 7 ist nicht fehlerfrei – aber dennoch ein fantastisches Spiel. Der Online-Modus ist ein großer Spaßfaktor dabei und wenn man an den Community-Funktionen noch etwas nachbessert sowie einen Strecken-Editor einbaut, dann haben wir wirklich gar ...