Abstract: After getting about forty-five minutes into MadWorld I started to feel as if this wasn't the game I was expecting, or hoping, it would be. The surface stuff was there, the look of the game was fantastic, the whole Black/White/Red Frank Miller-esque wor...
Abstract: Oh, don’t feel guilty. Quibbling over morality has long gone out of style here; given the situation, you’d be a murderer, too. Terrorists have sealed off the city and turned it into a massive reality television show. Winners of the Deathwatch Game...
Abstract: When I was 19, my two favorite comic books were Sin City and Hellboy, and my three favorite movies were Evil Dead 2: Dead by Dawn, Dolemite (link NSFW), and Escape from New York. Knowing that, just imagine how amazed I was last year when I heard that ...
Abstract: Bloody, offensive, and brilliant. There are generally two approaches to introducing players to a video game: a game can provide a gentle tutorial, or throw people into a game with little-to-no introduction. Sega and Platinum Games MadWorld combines t...
Abstract: It's not often that you see an overtly violent and sweary game on the Wii, so when one like MadWorld comes along, you certainly sit up and take notice. Having such a bold and distinctive art style also makes MadWorld stand out from the crowd, the strik...
MadWorld is one of the few truly unique experiences on the Wii console. It has an amazing art style and a control scheme that feels natural after a few minutes. Aside from some camera issues and areas of the game that feel repetitive, this is easily o...
Abstract: Name: MadWorldGenre: Third-Person ActionPlatform: Nintendo Wii Watch the Video Review.The words mature and Nintendo Wii may not be offered in the same breath very often, but Sega and Platinum Games are look...
Abstract: Madworld takes a genre that had been absolutely beaten into the ground and reinvigorates it with incredible presentation and brilliant usage of the Wii’s motion controls. The game is as fun as it is violent, and as hilarious as it is grotesque.
Abstract: More Style than SubstanceProtagonist Jack, ready for actionSEGA I really wanted to like MadWorld, because it looks so amazing. The experience is like meeting a beautiful woman and getting bored by your conversation but hating to walk away because she’...