Testseek.com have collected 810 expert reviews of the LG G2 and the average rating is 85%. Scroll down and see all reviews for LG G2.
September 2013
810 Reviews
Average score from experts who have reviewed this product.
0 Reviews
Average score from owners of the product.
The editors liked
Superfast processor
Good battery life
Nice display
Beautiful Screen
Blazingly Fast Performance
Great Camera
Outstanding 5.2in IPS display
Very good battery life
Fast performance
The LG G2 has a top-of-the line processor
An expansive screen
And a powerful camera that's lightning-quick
Great phone
Fast Stunning 5.2inch edgetoedge display Speedy Snapdragon 800 CPU Strong battery life A Great price
Amazing screen
Excellent camera
Solid battery life
Fast Stunning 5.2
Inch edge
Edge display Speedy Snapdragon 800 CPU Strong battery life A Great price
One of the most versatile smartphones out there
The only phone to date that natively supports FLAC lossless audio
Excellent sound through the headphone port
Great screen
Solid performance
Cat4 LTE means Vodafone users could potentially see speeds in
The editors didn't like
Not too sure about start and volume buttons being on the back
Slick Plastic case
Sometimes over the top Android skinning
LG's software overlay isn't very good
Slimy rear finish
No microSD card slot
The handset's rear control buttons take time to get used to
Its new software features are buried and unintuitive
And there's no microSD card slot
A big question mark hangs over whether consumers will like the rear controls It does have a plastic feel but so does the Galaxy S4 and Samsung has sold millions of these smartphones
Dull design
No microSD slot
Poor button placement
Plastic build is less impressive than the glass used in the Optimus G
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