The editors liked Beautiful Design Fantastic Sound SD Card expansion OS is buttery smooth It's GORGEOUS – I mean look at it Still an immaculately well built handset With added grip and more comfortable form over its predecessor BoomSound remains a cut above Options within Sense 7 THE Great-looking device BoomSound speakers are better than ever Great front-facing camera The HTC One M9 inherits its predecessor's stunning metal design and strong speakers And has a bright Sharp display. It runs the latest version of Android And the new Sense 7 software is simple Responsive and highly customisable. It's one of the few fl Very Very solid Aesthetically pleasing Easy to customise System performance is mighty snappy Fast 4G speeds HTC's front-facing BoomSound speakers are still awesome Infrared port still included And yes It can control a TV Upgradeable via microSD Beautiful design Lightning fast Expandable storage Premium design Strong camera Ultrapixel front camera BoomSound speakers Powerful processing hardware
The editors didn't like Camera could be better Weird occasional lockups Still a little slippery to hold Inconsistent battery life Leaving more to be desired Camera still not up to snuff with its competition Not enough on offer to justify a hefty premium over the last generation Can't keep up with other flagships Disappointing battery life Sense 7 not up to snuff The M9's camera quality and battery life don't measure up to its competitors. For better or worse The phone feels like a rerun of last year's HTC One Chassis lip can feel a little strange in the hand And removes the slick unibody feeling of the prior two models The M9 can get mighty warm over use Mediocre battery life Camera can be a little slow to start up and doesn't offer the best image quality Average camera No fingerprint reader Expensive Pricey Battery not good enough Too few improvements from M8 Poor rear camera Battery life
Reviews page 35 of 63
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Published: 2015-04-06, review by:
Abstract: SquareTrade, một công ty bảo hiểm các thiết bị điện tử của Mỹ vừa thử nghiệm bẻ cong 3 chiếc điện thoại đầu bảng iPhone 6 Plus, Galaxy S6 Edge và HTC One M9 bằng máy. Họ đã dùng máy đè thật m...
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Abstract: Đánh giá HTC ONE M9 : Gây sốt với Camera 20 “chấm”Đánh giá HTC ONE M9 : Gây sốt với Camera 20 “chấm”HTC, nhà sản xuất các thiết bị di động thường nhận được nhiều phản hồi tích cực từ cộng đồng về thiết kế sản phẩm, mới chính thức trình làng fla...
Abstract: Cuộc đua của các hãng điện thoại Android lại bắt đầu bước vào một chặng mới khi đầu năm 2015 lần lượt các đại gia đã trình làng đứa con cưng mới nhất của mình.Gần đây các thông tin về Galaxy S6, Galaxy S6 Edge của Samsung và HTC One M9 đã thu hút chú ý củ...
Abstract: 相機功能好不好用?拍起來的畫質如何?已經成為每個人購買智慧型手機前,絕對會評估的一件事情,而目前在 Android 陣營中,Sony Xperia Z5 與 HTC One M9+ 極光版都是最近最具話題性的旗艦新機,其相機拍照也正是這兩支主打的特色之一,因此這篇筆者就特別針對這兩支的相機功能,進行測試評比。One M9+ 極光版是 HTC 於今年九月份特別針對台灣地區,所推出的旗艦新機,搭載 5.2 吋 2K 解析度螢幕,配備MTK Hello X10 八核心 2.2GHz 處理器,內建 3GB RAM...
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Published: 2015-09-29, Author: 歐帝斯 , review by:
Abstract: HTC今天在日本神奈川縣,發表Butterfly 3與One M9+極光版雙旗艦,是宏達電第四季最高階的兩款手機。HTC Butterfly 3夏天時已經在日本推出,國際版規格與日本版除了LTE頻段以外,幾乎完全相同,推出藍、紅、白三種顏色。而HTC One M9+改款升級版,主要是加入了光學防手震、雷射對焦、相位檢測自動對焦功能,並取消Duo景深鏡頭,官方命名為HTC One M9+極光版(極速對焦+光學防手震),有銀x側邊金與灰色兩款,跟M9+比起來少了耀眼金。One M9+極光版主相機更換感光元件,...
Published: 2015-06-27, Author: 阿湯 , review by:
對阿湯來說,HTC 的 Sense 介面終於回歸到當初覺得簡單易用的感覺,而 M9 及 M9+ 有著硬體的些微差異,主要是處理器、 Duo 景深鏡頭以及指紋辨識這三大類,尺寸就是 5 吋和 5.2 吋的差異,對於需要大螢幕的朋友來說並不會有太大的差異,如果真的要選的話,特別注重效能的可能還是要選擇 M9,而特別注重照相可以選擇 M9+(因為變化性比較多),至於指紋辨識的部份,其實可有可無,但 M9+ 的指紋解解真的很快又準確,但我想大家不會為了指紋辨識來選擇手機,好吧,總結心得就是 M9+ 不失為是一款很...
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Abstract: 金屬質感的手機能夠展現出一般塑膠殼無法比擬的質感,也是 HTC One 系列手機一直以來的主要特色之一。最近 HTC 不斷的在產品的配色上做大膽的嘗試,不斷地藉由金數獨有的質感,搭配不同顏色的配置展現手機不同的亮眼外型。今天 HTC 再度替 One M9 推出全新「桃紅金」配色,鮮豔的紅色配上閃耀的金色,和 Samsung Galaxy S6 鋼鐵人版 (在台灣目前還買不到) 互別苗頭的意味非常濃厚呀!HTC One M9 桃紅金色系將在 5/29 於全台HTC專賣店、中華電信、台灣大哥大與遠傳電信市同步...
Abstract: 前不久 HTC 才推 出 M9旗艦機 ,接著馬上推出姊妹機 E9+ dual sim 雙卡雙待機, 艾倫 拿到 E9+ 的第一個感覺是「哇! 手機怎麼這麼輕、鏡頭這麼大、還雙卡雙待耶!」系統同時也搭載 Sense 7,還有2000萬畫素的相機,堪稱是雙卡雙待機的旗艦機一點都不為過,有需要換購雙卡雙待機的你,一定要好好看這篇介紹囉! 本次的實測重點: 1. HTC One E9+ dual sim 外觀介紹 2. HTC One E9+ dual sim Sense 7系統介紹 3. HTC Po...
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以 HTC One M9+ 的整體表現來看,如果不談只能算「中上表現」的處理器與 GPU 表現,M9+ 的確在大部分的細節上都做的比 M9 來的周全,個人覺得以這幾天的相處感覺比 M9 相比有他的先天優勢(拍照與指紋感應部分),而且又有 Duo 景深相機加持,要讓消費者眼光不注意他都很難。阿達個人也非常喜歡 HTC One M9+ 的各項使用體驗。不過這也是 HTC 近期的問題所在,就是「高階機」、「平價機皇」推出頻率過於密集、差異化不夠明顯,會讓消費者不知道怎麼選擇最適合自己的手機。對旗下產品反而會有排...
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Abstract: 終於,把入手將近一個月的HTC One (M9)生出開箱評測文,讓各位久等了。為什麼會拖這麼久? 讓我娓娓道來…該有的程序,我們還是一一的照樣煮碗端出來,先從外盒開始遲來的HTC One (M9) 開箱、評測、實拍照首先看到HTC One (M9)的外盒,同樣採用扁平便當盒,不過這次多了象徵Dotview功能的小圓點,這是一個很重要的企業識別形象,像是Apple的咬一口、ASUS的ZenUI、同心圓、三星的曲面螢幕、LG的後置單鍵、小米的. 算了我不講,做品牌就是要讓人一眼看出這是屬於特定品牌的印象我的是...
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