Abstract: We love the PDA hardware, but the GPS software often proved more of a hindrance than a help. Our advice is to steer clear or buy the rx1950 with TomTom HP is shamelessly targeting the first-time GPS PDA buyer with the rx1950 Navigator, offering the do...
Abstract: HPs iPAQ rx1950 comes at a bargain price and has built-in wireless networking HPs iPAQ rx1950 is the first handheld weve seen that uses the new version 5.0 of Microsofts Windows Mobile operating system. Its a sleek-looking thing - far less bulky...
Thin and light; integrated Wi-Fi; Windows Mobile 5; outstanding battery life
Lacks Bluetooth; low onboard memory
Light, thin and ready for just about anything the business world can throw at it, HPs iPaq rx1950 is a strong performer, but it falls short with lack of Bluetooth and low memory ...
Abstract: The sub-S$600 rx1950 caters to people who prefer their mobile devices to be separate from their phones and cameras, and are willing to make do with reduced specifications.
Abstract: It runs on Windows Media 5.0, which provides you an integrated Personal Information Manager (PIM) software package that can attach a photo to a contact, track your busy schedule and save your information even when your battery is removed. The iPAQ rx1950 ...
integriertes WLAN, Windows Mobile 5, hervorragende Batterielebensdauer
kein Bluetooth, wenig Onboard-Speicher
Als leichter, dünner PDA für fast alle erdenklichen Geschäftsanwendungen geeignet, ist der HP Ipaq rx1950 ein Topgerät. Seine Schwächen sind jedoch fehlendes Bluetooth und geringer Speicherplatz....
Abstract: Le iPaq rx1950 de HP sadresse aux personnes qui préfèrent utiliser un assistant personnel distinct de leur téléphone et appareil photo et qui sont prêtes à saccommoder dun jeu de spécifications réduit.
Abstract: Комплект поставки: Компания HP сохраняет лидирующее положение в Европе (включая Россию) среди производителей классических КПК. Модельный ряд КПК компании всегда славился своей широтой ни один другой вендор не мог и может похвастаться столь большим ко...