Abstract: Even if the the PC version of Destiny 2 boasts more-or-less the same content as the console version, it comes with a bevy of bells and whistles that will likely see it gain prominence as the de-facto version of the game for many. When the sci-fi sequel la...
There's a lot left to discover. An hour or two in, I've just unlocked my first new piece of gear—a cloak that's really more of a scarf, I'd say. We'll be back with a full Destiny 2 review soon, once I've made it through the story, reached the MMO-grinding...
"It's Bungie's stellar storytelling makes all the difference, though. Destiny 2 is every bit the superior sequel, with something to offer every Guardian."...
Between its affective imagery, crunchy combat, breakneck pacing, and compelling story beats, Destiny 2's campaign is off to a promising start. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Bungie's gunplay feels as spot-on as ever. Immediate, reactive, and ear-rattling...
Abstract: Destiny 2 players are gathering in the game's central hub, the Tower, to pay their respects to Lance Reddick. The voice actor of the Titan Vanguard, Zavala, passed away on March 17, and within minutes of the news breaking, Guardians were flocking to the T...
Halo in Destiny, Dungeon is extremely fun and replayable, The six-man activity is one of the best in-game AND free, Halo in Destiny
$24.99 may be too much of an ask for some, I had to write this review, which took away from time to grind
Bungie's 30th Anniversary Celebration feels like Christmas Day for Bungie fans. Every second spent playing the new activities and using the battle rifle and magnum feels like a dream that doesn't have to end. A lot of the offerings here are free, but the...
Abstract: Destiny 2 is a game that is meant to be enjoyed with your friends online. However, that can be challenging when you are locked to a single platform, but that may be changing soon. In a blog post, Bungie, the developers of Destiny 2, affirmed that the pop...
Published: 2020-11-23, Author: Alex , review by: gamecrate.com
Abstract: On paper, there seems to be a lot here - a new story, a new class ability, a new location, and the long-awaited return of a certain mysterious Exo. But getting into the nitty-gritty of Destiny 2's latest expansion it falls well short of Bungie's past effo...
Abstract: The Destiny 2: Beyond Light Deep Stone Crypt Raid drops tomorrow. Even if you do not plan on going after the “World First” title, there are still many things you can do to help make your experience with the raid a little easier. Here are some tips on how...
Published: 2019-10-16, Author: Kai , review by: wccftech.com
Light levels shifted to start at 750 and work up to 960 and beyond with future content drops, Battle passesque leveling system encourages keeping up on daily and weekly bounties, New Light gives players a nearcomplete Destiny 2 experience for free (save f
Story being on a high note, peters off with forced roadblocks, then ends abruptly with no resolution, Vex completely forgotten about before the launch of the raid and Vex Offensive mode, New Light completely changes campaign structure and hides the story
Destiny 2: Shadowkeep pulled me back in after two years away from my guardian with the promise of ever-evolving seasons and new content to play once more. The initial offering was very light on story and loot but I can only hope to see more content come i...