Abstract: Once again, Dell is first to market with a Pocket PC running the latest version of Windows Mobile 5.0. Just as their Axim X30 was the first Windows Mobile 2003 Second Edition device to hit the US market, the X51 and X51v are the first WM 5 PDAs. And j...
Abstract: Dells Axim X51v is an update to the Axim X50v, previously the fastest handheld you could buy. Its similar in design and specification, but it runs the latest Windows Mobile 5 operating system and has some important changes to its method of system ...
Abstract: Dell has added a new member to their mobile Axim family the X51v. This model has more memory, a bigger screen, a new OS and more processing power. Whats all this good for? Come along with us as we delve into the mobile world of the Dell Axim.This late...
Abstract: Despite minor flaws, the Dell X51v proves to be an excellent PDA combining the merits of its predecessors with the benefits of the new Windows Mobile OS.
Abstract: At first glance, you might mistake the new x51v for its predecessor, the x50v – and you’d be forgiven for doing so, because the x51v shares almost all the hardware of the x50v, including the gorgeous 480 x 640pixel display.
integriertes Wi-Fi und Bluetooth, zwei Erweiterungssteckplätze, austauschbarer Akku
durchschnittliche Akkulaufzeit
Die Dell Axim X51-Serie bietet eine nette Kombination aus verschiedensten Funktionen, die durchschnittliche Akkulaufzeit ist jedoch eine Enttäuschung....
Abstract: Dell met à jour sa gamme d’assistants personnels, avec le nouveau système Windows Mobile 5.0. Pas de grande innovation, mais l’assurance de ne plus perdre ses données grâce à la mémoire non volatile.
Dell X51v – это обновление предыдущей модели. Основные изменения – удвоенный объем встроенной flash-памяти, обновленная операционная система, смена драйверов Bluetooth. Из положительных изменений отметим увеличение времени автономной работы за счет измене...